Monday, February 28, 2011

My W!nt3ry W33k3nd

My "wintery" weekend was FANTASTIC!
On friday my friend Sierra came over and we had a tea party and pretended to be british grandma's. Then her and I dressed up and took pictures and had a sleepover!
On saturday Sierra and I babysat my sister. We went to our friend Hannah's house, and took my sister and Hannah's brother to the park. After that we got picked up and went back to my house. We just chilled and layed on the floor doing nothing. We also made crepes!Then Sierra slept over AGAIN. :)
On sunday we woke up and just hung out and waited for Sierra to get picked up. After she left I just did homework and watched t.v.
What a weekend!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Digital Photography:

1. Portrait
2. Landscape
3. Close-up
4. Picture taken from exaggerated angle
5. Reflection
6. Texture
7. A picture emphasizing one specific colour
8. Something man made hidden, lost, or discarded in nature
9. Something growing in an environment it shouldn't be able to (not planted)
10. A silhouette


Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Best Friend Winter:

Winter is my bestie! Her and I both have so much fun, no matter what it is we are doing. We always laugh at the stupidest things, and never argue about anything. When we hang out we always find random things to do. :) Winter's really funny, and cracks me up all the time! By the end of this year, her and I are going to have 6 packs from all the laughing we do! I wuv her. <3

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 - Painting Away Colour!

1 - Visual Colour Change!

V - For - Victory!

Yesterday as we all know, was Valentine's Day. And I absolutely LOVE Valentine's Day. (: I went to the mall with a couple of my friends, and after the mall closed at 6 we hung out in Chapters for atleast 2 hours just reading funny books and having fun! It was a Valentine's Day to remember. <3

Friday, February 11, 2011

My Background & I!

Zombie Marlana:

Let me tell ya something ELSE!

``Valentines Day Dance!``

Last night, I went to the dance with my five friends, Winter, Chelsey, Sierra, Hannah and Elexa. We got there a little early, but once everyone started coming in it was really fun! My brother ended up coming with his three friends too, and actually danced. It was sooo funny! We danced the whole time and didn't sit down once. That means my friends and I danced for three hours straight! My legs and feet hurt really bad now, but it's so worth it. There were a lot of techno songs that were fun to dance to! The Valentine's Day Dance was LEGIT. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Info Tech! :)

~Three Things I Did This Weekend!~

1. I went to the mall with my 4 friends. We ate french fries! And were there for about 2 and a half hours, then bussed home.

2. I also hung out with my 2 friends and had a movie night. We watched two movies, Friday the 13th and Fragile and made cookies too!

3. On Saturday I went to Beasly and took pictures with some of my friends, and walked around and enjoyed the nice warm weather!.. Then it snowed on Sunday. :( But while it was snowing I had my bestie come over and we had a photo shoot in the snow and got really wet! So I had fun. :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011


1: This is my jpg photo:
 Poor Jim-Jim :(
2: This is my gif photo:
 I love this picture. :)
3: This is my png photo:
How gorgeous!
4. This is my other jpg photo:
This made me laugh. (:
5. This is my other png photo:
So pretty!
6. This is my other gif photo:
I love this. <3
7. This is my favorite video!